The National Association of Engineers enters the DAO Logistic Green Label
We are pleased to announce that our invitation has found fertile ground and that from now on the decisions of the DAO Logistic Green Label will be able to count on the authoritative opinion of the Italian National Association of Engineers. Furthermore, the Steering Committee will benefit from the experience of its president, Eng. Alessio Toneguzzo, who declared: "the vision and objectives underlying this initiative not only reflect the ideals of sustainability and innovation that have always guided our work, but also offer a unique opportunity to actively contribute to the transformation of the sector ecological logistics.”

Social sustainability
Sustainability is not only about the natural environment, but also about the social environment. Social pressures are those that arise from human activities and which can have a negative impact on people and communities.

Advisory teams
The advisory teams have the role of proposing the strategies and operating rules of the Logistic Green Label to the decision-making body.
They represent the various areas of expertise involved in the management of the Logistic Green Label and precisely:

Representation of interested parties
To ensure a broad representation of all interested parties, the founders of the DAO have decided to distribute at least 1000 GGL (Governance Green Label) tokens among the various categories of subjects.

The genesis of the Decentralized Autonomous Organization Logistic Green Label
The Green Label project, which aims to certify the sustainability of shipments, has undergone a significant transformation, becoming an open initiative managed democratically through a Decentralized Autonomous Organization > (DAO).