Advisory teams
The advisory teams have the role of proposing the strategies and operating rules of the Logistic Green Label to the decision-making body.
They represent the various areas of expertise involved in the management of the Logistic Green Label and precisely:
The Transport Team is responsible for establishing the components and methods for assessing the effect on the environment linked to the transport of goods, taking into account all the factors involved, such as the routes and vehicles used , etc…
The Packaging Team is responsible for establishing the aspects and methods for measuring the effect on the environment associated with the use of packaging for the management of shipments. Furthermore, it develops the best guidelines and chooses the recommended technological solutions to promote the sustainable management of shipments.
The Warehousing Team is responsible for establishing the aspects and procedures for measuring the impact on the environment of the operations carried out within the warehouse and its surroundings. Furthermore, it develops the best guidelines and selects the recommended technological solutions to promote sustainable management of warehousing activities.
The Compensation Team is responsible for defining potential counterbalancing strategies (and providing positive examples) to mitigate environmental impacts arising from the spheres of Transportation, Packaging and Warehouse Management. Each form of compensation must be quantifiable in order to allow comparison with measurements relating to impacts.
The Standard Team is responsible for establishing the requirements with which the management of the Green Label must comply, including label formatting, appropriate use of the brand, authorization procedures, methods of verification, etc... This commission will work in collaboration with the other commissions to ensure the collection of consistent data relating to the measurement of impacts and compensation actions.
The Communication Team is responsible for facilitating internal communication processes and managing external communication initiatives (in different languages) in accordance with the directives established by the DAO. Furthermore, it coordinates and supervises communication activities towards third parties conducted by individual members of the DAO, in order to ensure compliance with the decisions of the DAO itself.